
Raising Awareness and Providing Tools for More Inclusive Senior Environments

Fondation Émergence raises awareness of LGBTQ+ seniors' realities, provides training and tools for their inclusion

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Why Focus on LGBTQ+ Seniors?

It is estimated that 10% of seniors are LGBTQ+, yet they remain largely invisible, mainly due to fear of disclosing their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Many of them were forced to hide to avoid imprisonment, conversion therapies, and rejection from their families, religious communities, and society at large. These discriminations have left deep scars, and multiple studies confirm that LGBTQ+ seniors constitute a particularly vulnerable population.

Although stigma and prejudice have evolved, they still persist today. Many LGBTQ+ seniors fear aging, worried about finding themselves isolated in an environment that is not welcoming to their reality.

Since 2009, Fondation Émergence has specialized in issues related to LGBTQ+ aging. It provides senior communities and service providers with training and awareness tools to promote better inclusion of sexual and gender diversity.

Our Training and Resources

Our training sessions, which last two hours, are available in-person or online. They are designed for employees, caregivers, managers, volunteers, user committees, and anyone working with seniors. Our training covers:

  • An introduction to concepts related tosexual and gender diversity
  • The evolution of LGBTQ+ rights
  • The realities of LGBTQ+ seniors
  • Best practices for inclusion
  • A testimonial from an LGBTQ+ senior

We also offer customized training as well as an online training program with additional modules (case studies, etc.).

Additionally, Fondation Émergence provides awareness materials, including posters, brochures, videos, a traveling exhibition, and a Charter for the Well-Being of LGBTQ+ Seniors.

In collaboration with sensitized organizations, we also organize awareness activities specifically for seniors.

To ensure the relevance and legitimacy of our training and tools, we work with a task force composed of LGBTQ+ seniors and an advisory committee of key stakeholders in the senior care sector in Quebec.

Devoir de mémoire

Fondation Émergence is one of the first organizations to focus on the issue of LGBTQ+ aging. This initiative was led by our founder, Laurent McCutcheon, a pioneering LGBTQ+ activist.

To honor past generations of LGBTQ+ activists, we created the Devoir de mémoire project, which features a series of video testimonials from our LGBTQ+ elders. Thanks to them, we have the rights we enjoy today. This project aims to preserve their memory and highlight their invaluable contributions.

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