Resources to raise awareness and inspire inclusion

Explore a wide range of information and solutions—browse our tools and resources to support your inclusion efforts.

Awareness tools

Posters, guides, leaflets, stickers—our materials are designed raise awareness, inform, and educate. These tools are perfect for supporting your initiatives as well as your training programs promoting diversity and inclusion.


Understanding for better inclusion

Our lexicon is a key resource for clarifying terms related to sexual and gender diversity. Designed to be accessible and clear, it helps foster a better understanding of LGBTQ+ realities and encourages the use of inclusive language in all settings.

Podcast "Parlons réalités LGBTQ+"

The "Parlons réalités LGBTQ+" Podcast covers various topics and issues related to the diverse experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals. Through personal stories, you will gain awareness and insight into the different realities of LGBTQ+ people. (Podcast available in French only.)


34% of respondents say that hate speech against LGBTQ+ people has increased over the past 3 years.

Only available in French

36% of Quebecers are uncomfortable intervening when witnessing LGBTQphobic behavior.

Only available in French

Half of Canadians (51%) say they have witnessed at least one type of negative attitude towards LGBTQ+ people.

Only available in French

57% of Canadians say they are concerned about the rights of gay and trans people outside of Canada.

Only available in French

70% of Canadians would approve of a union of a close family member with a person of the same sex.

Only available in French

One third of Quebecers would hesitate to hire a trans person.

Only available in French

More than a third of Quebecers think that the situation of LGBT people in the world is "good".

Only available in French

74% of Canadians believe trans people experience discrimination from employers.

Only available in French

62% of Quebecers consider it difficult for homosexual seniors to openly live a romantic relationship in residence.

Only available in French

More than 75% of Quebecers consider it easy for a heterosexual person to openly show their support for LGBT people.

Only available in French

 The survey indicates that in everyday life and on the Internet, more than half of Canadians surveyed (52%) say they have already witnessed disparaging remarks about homoparental families or homoparentality.

Only available in French

 58% of Canadians witness homophobic comments on social media.

Only available in French

In Quebec, 52% of respondents say they know one or more homosexual people in their workplace, compared to 37% in the rest of Canada.

Only available in French

73% of Quebeckers and 68% of Canadians believe that same-sex couples have the same chances of having a long-term relationship as heterosexual couples, with a slight preponderance for female couples.

Only available in French

75% of Quebecers and 66% of other Canadians agree with the statement that, in sports media, the issue of homosexuality is kept silent.

Only available in French

Half of first generation immigrants, or 50%, believe that homosexuality is normal compared to 71% for those of the second generation.

Only available in French

7% understand that homosexuality is not a disease and 30% believe, wrongly, that there are treatments to change sexual orientation.

Only available in French

87% of Quebecers believe that it is important for parents to know the sexual orientation of their child. 31% believe that parental education can influence children's sexual orientation.

Only available in French

Over 60% of Canadians believe homosexuality can jeopardize a professional career.

Only available in French

49% think homosexuality is an “abnormal state” and 28% would refuse to attend a gay wedding if invited.

Only available in French

56% of Quebecers are of the opinion that the positions of the Catholic Church are hostile to homosexual communities.

Only available in French

30% of Quebecers are uncomfortable with the idea that a boy attending an elementary school or high school is taught by a homosexual teacher.

Only available in French

74% of Canadians believe trans people experience discrimination from employers.

Only available in French

45% of Quebecers think that a young person who discovers he is homosexual will be unhappy in life.

Only available in French