photo Ally Network

Ally Network

Learn all about the Allied Network, an initiative by Fondation Émergence.

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Ally Network

The Ally Network program by Fondation Émergence aims to create inclusive workplaces that ensure safety and inclusion for LGBTQ+ people. To achieve this, we offer a training service as well as awareness tools to help individuals become proactive allies.

Program Objectives

  • Create more welcoming and safer work environments for LGBTQ+ employees.
  • Train employers and colleagues to better understand issues related to sexual and gender diversity.
  • Offer concrete tools to develop policies and practices that foster inclusion.
  • Combat discrimination and unconscious biases in the workplace.
  • Improve employer branding by demonstrating a commitment to diversity.


The Ally Network training covers the main concepts related to sexual and gender diversity, the challenges LGBTQ+ individuals may face, and best practices for ensuring inclusive spaces. Additionally, the Ally Network training is recognized as part of the continuing education program of the Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés (CRHA). It includes a testimonial from a trans person who has undergone a workplace transition and real-life scenarios to apply the concepts discussed. The content and format can be adapted to your needs, and the duration can range from 1 to 3 hours.

Support Services

Do you need guidance from an expert organization on LGBTQ+ workplace integration?

Whether it is to:

  • Answer your questions and those of your employees;
  • Review or create documents (information sheets or guides, forms, anti-discrimination policies);
  • Guide the implementation of LGBTQ+ inclusion measures in your workplace;

Fondation Émergence is here to support you!

Join Ally Network

Your membership is not only a commitment to inclusion but also a strategic opportunity to strengthen team cohesion, directly contribute to awareness and education projects, and improve your public image. 

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photo Ally Network

Ally Network

Learn all about the Allied Network, an initiative by Fondation Émergence.


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